Reimagine: Narratives
Anahita Akhavan
Reimagine: Narratives
Anahita Akhavan
Exhibition and Billboard
September 27 to October 25, 2024
Opening September 27, 2024
Residency, September 16 to September 27, 2024
Artist Talk, September 25 12:30 to 1:30pm University of Saskatchewan, Murray Building, Room 161
Anahita Akhavan's artistic practice draws inspiration from her experiences in Iran.
After migrating to Canada, the artist explored Iranian archives held within Western institutional collections in an effort to connect with her heritage. Through her research, Akhavan found an increasing gap between her lived experiences and imperial museological collecting methodologies; ‘reimagining’ appropriated objects and histories through the problematic lens of the museum as expert.
Akhavan’s work signals the disparities in cultural representation and challenges the viewer to think deeply about the history of collecting, and its role in the control and colonization of cultural narratives. She takes influence from the Islamic art world, its significance, and its functions. Employing a variety of mediums in her practice, including ink drawing, painting, printmaking, digital print, laser cutting, and video projection enables the exploration and expression of complex themes. During a recent residency at the Banff Center for the Arts, Akhavan experimented with prayer rug designs, working with motifs and foliage arrangements challenging their traditional functions and interrupting their conventions, spiritual significance, and aesthetic values. Her use of azure draws parellels to Iranian gardens and water, each essential for their purifying and healing properties, motifs and themes Akhavan has explored in her body of work previously. Azure becomes a metaphorical bridge connecting past and present, the immigrant self to the future self, a sign of the transformative journey of her artistic exploration. Her semiotic approach explores themes of identity, belonging, and multiple realities creating a hybridized visual language that reflects her personal immigrant experience.
Anahita Akhavan is a Canadian/Iranian visual artist based in Toronto, Canada. Through the thoughtful use of overlapping geometrical shapes and motifs, Akhavan adopts the symbolism and ornamentation found in Islamic architecture, carpet weaving, and tapestry to create a new visual language. She holds an MFA from the University of Saskatchewan and a BFA from the University of Tehran. Most recently, Akhavan’s work has been exhibited at Expo Chicago (2024), Project Casa in Montreal (2023), DuranMashaal in Montreal (2023), and The United Contemporary in Toronto (2022). She has participated in Artist Residencies at the Banff Center for the Arts in Canada, Joya Air in Spain, and Vorres Museum in Greece. Akhavan has been awarded grants from the Toronto Arts Council, the Ontario Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts, the RBC Newcomer Art Award, and the Gloria Josephine Sapena Scholarship Endowment. Her works are installed in the permanent collections of Telus, Capital One, Scotiabank, BMO, TD Bank, and the RBC Art Collection.