Catch a Breeze

Marcy Friesen

Catch a Breeze
Marcy Friesen
Billboard Project
April 4 to May 31, 2025

...catch a breeze... raising

my feet up into the beautiful brown

feet...beadwork...of course beadwork...why’s so

beautiful...such a beautiful day for a smoke...the sky is

blue...the clouds are light...the smoke calms me...I

remember...I remember the past...I take a long slow

fresh...feeling so cool...a long slow drag...and I wonder as I

lay upon a bison pelt...just above the Opimihāw Creek... I

rest when I can...I need preserve my mental sometimes my feet need to smoke... so I lift them

up into the case...just by chance...they might...catch a

breeze...a smile covers my face...the sunshine bright and

warm...I take a slow deep

breath...inhale...exhale...repeat...repeat...feeling the

sunshine on the bottom of my feet...then a slight

breeze...catches my I breathe...and wait for the

next breeze...

Marcy Friesen is of Swampy Cree and Welsh ancestry and currently resides on a mixed farm with her family near Carrot River, SK. She comes from a long line of traditional master beaders and talented creative family members. Friesen has always felt the need to create and started her career with a small business making utilitarian objects such as mitts, hats and mukluks. After visiting an art gallery and working with her mentor, she changed her practice to experimenting with an artisanal craftsmanship that exists outside the traditional spectrum of beauty and utility. Threading through beads, leather, and furs, Friesen draws the viewer into an intimate experience using her honed skills and intuitive sensibilities toward material, colour, and presentation. In Friesen’s practice, the natural and synthetic come together in ways that are inclusive of the contemporary condition, transforming ways of understanding and expectations of cultural production.